Home Services Meeting Spaces

Library Meeting Spaces Application

Meeting spaces are free and open to the public according to the qualifications listed in the Library’s Meeting Spaces policy. Please note that the Library neither endorses, approves, nor disapproves of the aims, policies, viewpoints, or activities of groups utilizing meeting spaces.

Once approved, this application is good for one year and allows for reservation of meeting spaces at all Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library locations. Please allow 5 business days for processing. Upon approval, you may request use of library meeting spaces.

Contact 813-273-3612 or email LibraryMeetingRooms@hcfl.gov for more information.

* Required field.


I, as an individual, or a representative of the below community group or non-profit organization, accept financial responsibility for any damage or loss of library equipment incurred to the Library as result of use of library meeting space.

The use of meeting space shall be at the sole risk and expense of myself, my community group, or my non-profit organization and the Library is expressly relieved of any responsibility for any damage or loss to me or any other party resulting from such use.

By initialing the boxes below, I am attesting that I have read the Library's Meeting Spaces policy, and agree to abide by all terms and conditions stated therein, noting the following:


Persons or groups who engage in any commercial activities or for-profit transactions may not utilize meeting spaces.

Does your community group or non-profit organization discriminate in its membership requirements?


Use of Meeting Space